Visual-i Fotografie

Europa / Deutschland / Hamm

Fotograf männlich
Relaxed / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf Visual-i Fotografie | STRKNG

Relaxed - © Visual-i Fotografie


My name is Marcus, 50 years old, I live in Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Ruhr area.

I came to photography through burnout. In therapy, my therapist said I should do something where there is no right or wrong - painting. Sure, painting by numbers goes wrong for me.

But photography, that would be something, always had a lot of images in my head. So the beginning was made.

I have now found my niche, which I also like to cover. Working with the models is just fun, you get to know really great people and also people's stories, far away from the make-believe world of social media.

During my shoots, both sides are allowed to contribute their ideas; there is no fixed script.

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